Thursday, January 22, 2009

We need to do something now.

Dear all,

Today, I had a discussion with somebody regarding Buddha's birthplace and he later on sent a document to me via email. The document is nine pages long, so I am not being able to paste it as a whole. So, I am pasting the first page only. I can forward the whole document if you want. You just let me know your email address. This document is written by Ajit Kumar Tripathi, who belongs to the government of Orissa. His email address is:

I have not read the whole document, I just want to share with you all first, I just have read the first page. The last line of the document says "When the same Sakyas Kolas are still found exclusively in Orissa, and when Mallas (Malias), the true worshippers (Upasakas) of Buddha are found in great numbers in Kapileswar near Bhubaneswar, will it not be ridiculous to put the birth place of Buddha in the Tarai region of Nepal? Would the historians answer this question?" Isn't it ridiculous ?

Whats going on in Nepal ? Does nepali government know about this issue ? Why are our ministers silent when Indian officers are publishing these sorts of papers ? Are our politicians concerned about their power and position only ? Or they just want to sell Nepal to India ?

Its the matter of our existance friends. Please speak and lets discuss about this. The first page of the document is as follows:

OHRJ, Vol. XLVII, No. 1
Ajit Kumar Tripathy
It has long been taken for granted that Kapilavastu, the capital city of the Sakyas, and Lumbini, the actual birth place of Goutam Buddha, were situated in the Nepalese
Tarai. The main basis of this belief is the inscribed pillar of Rummindei, recording the visit of the Mayuran emperor Asoka, the great to the place where Buddha was born. It is little
known that the same fact in similar words and script existed in Orissa. So much has been taken for granted on this issue that few scholars are now prepared to go deep into the
matter. That Buddha was born in India and not in Nepal, needs to be accepted on the basis
of a number of proofs, which are discussed in this article.
Dr. Cunningham in his “Ancient Geography of India” points out the place where from
the Tarai inscription had been discovered is not at all related to the name Kapilavastu or
even the name Kapila. And the noted historian Dr. Smith asserts that the place of the
discovery of the Tarai inscription was never called Rummindei; it was a forged name given
to it by archaeologist Dr. Fuhrer. Besides it has been proved that Buddhism had not been
adopted in Nepal till the 6 th century A.D. In face of all these clear-cut statements of noted
scholars, it is quite sane to focus our attention on the village Kapileswara in Bhubaneswar
in Orissa.
The centuries old Kapileswara village has got some similarity with the Kapilavastu
in name and a region nearby called Lembai is similar to Lumbini. According to Tripitaka,
Lumbini was a small estate with its capital at Kapilvastu. Till recently, as can be seen from
maps of 1817 AD there was a Lembai Pragana; and Kapileswara was a part of it. Besides, the inscription of Kapileswara village corroborates the statement of Tripitaka and the Kalinga war of Asoka. The mention of the era of Buddha and the name of the scribe in the said inscription help us to take this as genuine. Out of four places hallowed in memory of Buddha, one is his birthplace Kapilavastu. When the birthplace sculptures were destroyed, the Buddhist monks searched for a new place in the dense forests of Tarai region in Nepal and put another stupa there. .........


  1. म पाउँ है त अजित कुमार त्रिपाठीको त्यो नौं पाते डकुमेण्ट । युद्धस्तरमै लागेका रहेछन यिनिहरु सिधार्थको जन्म भारतमा भएको हो भनेर । मेरो ठेगाना - / Thanks

  2. बुद्ध नेपाल मा पनि जन्मेको होइन भारत मा पनि। बुद्ध लुम्बिनिमा जन्मेको को। त्यती बेला लुम्बिनी छुट्टै गणराज्य थियो। लुम्बिनी भन्ने स्थान नेपाल देश भित्र पर्दछ। त्यसमा भारतीय हरुले भारत मा पर्छ भन्नु सरासर गलत हो।

    भारत बर्ष भन्नाले भारतीय उअपमहाद्विप भन्ने बुझिन्छ। भारतीय उपमहाद्विपमा अहिलेको भारत देखी पूर्वमा बर्मा र पश्चिममा अफगनिस्तान सम्म पर्दछ। त्यही उपमहाद्विप को एउटा गणराज्य कपिलवस्तु राज्य को लुम्बिनी मा जन्मेको हो।
    त्यसैले मैले त्यो फिलिम हेरेको छैन, यदी त्यसमा भारतमा जन्मेको भनेको छ भने गलत हो, बिरोध गर्नै पर्छ तर भारत बर्षमा जन्मेको हो भनेको छ भने सत्य तथ्य अनुसार ठीक हो। लुम्बिनी नेपाल भित्र परेकोमा गर्ब छ नै।बुद्ध जन्मेको भूमी नेपालमा छ भन्नु र बुद्ध नेपाल मा जन्मेको भन्नु एउटै होइन।

  3. Could you also email me the copy of the document please?


  4. I'm kind of hoping that it would be proved that Buddha was born in India. Because we are always indulging in violence, we forget about Buddha and his teaching and once we loose that ego of Buddha being born in our land we might realize his true teachings.

  5. You may be right. I too do not like all the violences going on. Violences and riots are not the solution of any kind of problems. Lets not make Buddha, an issue of fight. But, in this case, I really think government should do something. I am not understanding what our government is doing ???

  6. मलाई त यो विषयमा चासो नै लागेन । सारा विश्वलाई थाहा भएको कुरा हो र समग्र बुद्धिस्टहरूले नेपालको लुम्बिनीलाई नै आफ्नो प्रमुख धार्मिक थलो मान्दै आएको परिपेक्ष्यमा यस्ता बकम्फुसे ईमेललाई चर्चा दिइरहनुपर्छ जस्तो लागेन दिदी मलाई । संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघका महासचिव नै बुद्धको जन्मथलो हेर्छु भनेर लुम्बिनी गईसकेका पनि छन् । त्यहि भएर विश्वसमुदायको अगाडि पनि नलुकेको तथ्य हो यो । यो भारतको बिहार छेऊछाऊ हो कि बिहारतिरकै मान्छेहोला नेता । यस्ता धोतीले लेख्दै गर्छन् नि ॥ कुरा ठूलो हो तर झिनामसिना मान्छेले उठाको कुरालाई खासै महत्व दिइरहनुपर्छ जस्तो लागेन मलाई त ।

  7. The writer is the secretary of the Government of Orissa. The things that are written in the document are all JPT ( Malla bhaneka Indian Malia re, ani Shakya pani thuprai chhan re India ma, tesaile Buddha India ko re wahiyat) , but usle lekheko kuro tyo manche eklai le boleko ho jasto lagdaina malai...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
