Thursday, March 10, 2011

शंकर लामिछाने - एब्स्ट्राक्ट चिन्तन : प्याज

Another masterpiece. It's not even in I hope I am not violating someone's right by posting it here. I did not see anything as "copyright". If there is one, please let me know and I will remove this post.

Shankar Lamichhane - Abstract Chintan Pyaj

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

भैरव अर्यालको मपाईं

My friend Santosh Pradhan once gave me a link to I liked the link and all the materials posted there so much that I frequently visit the site. And, I usually find some really good stuffs to read. Today I found the great satire essay "मपाईं" by the great writer, Bhairab Aryal. I read this long time ago, had almost forgotten most of the things.. Reading the great essay again has been a great pleasure for me, just want to share this with you all, as well.

I would like to thank Nepal Library Foundation and other contributing partners from the bottom of my heart for creating such a wonderful website.

Bhairab Aryal - मपाईं

Thursday, March 3, 2011

के नै गर्न सकें ??

पिल्सिएका मुहारमा न त खुशी छर्न सकें
न त भोका पेटहरु अनाजले भर्न सकें
जीवन ब्यर्थ लाग्छ जब मष्तिस्कमा प्रश्न उठ्छ
यो धर्तीमा जन्मिएर मैले के नै गर्न सकें ??

अन्यायका बिरुद्धमा न म अघि सर्न सकें
सहिद बनी देशका निम्ति न त हांसी मर्न सकें
निस्सार अनि बेअर्थको जीवन बाँच्दा लाग्ने गर्छ
यो धर्तीमा जन्मिएर मैले के नै गर्न सकें ??

न त दुखि मानिसका दु:ख सारा हर्न सकें
ज्ञान-ज्योति फैलाउन न नै अघि पर्न सकें
आफ्नै लागि मात्र बाँचे जस्तो लाग्छ सोच्छु जब
यो धर्तीमा जन्मिएर मैले के नै गर्न सकें ??