Thursday, March 10, 2011

शंकर लामिछाने - एब्स्ट्राक्ट चिन्तन : प्याज

Another masterpiece. It's not even in I hope I am not violating someone's right by posting it here. I did not see anything as "copyright". If there is one, please let me know and I will remove this post.

Shankar Lamichhane - Abstract Chintan Pyaj


  1. Actually I was also searching to read this and happy to find it here.But comment on your question - posting whole book without writer's consent is violation of copyright.

  2. I did not find any contact person to ask that. And, his essays can be found here and there in the blogs and web-sites. So, I thought it does not harm to post the whole thing I have. My only intention is to make the readers like you read him and like him even more, as I do. Do you think I should remove the post ?

  3. Thanks a lot.... Its one of my most favorite book.... Thanks :)

  4. बैनिलाइ लाख लाख धन्यवाद ल? स्कूले छँदै एकफेर पढेको भएपनि यो सबै निबन्धहरु मलाई ताजा पढेजस्तै लाग्नेमा शंका छैन । साह्रै खुसी भएँ ।
